Family Team
Carlos Cruz

Founder/ Skipper
Carlos Cruz is "the helmsman" in these tours. With knowledge above the average regarding manoeuvring crafts within the Sado Estuary Natural Reserve, he uses his 40 years of work in this place to take his visitors through the mazes and nooks, while watching the most beautiful birds that are one of his passions.With the experience acquired in this place, he knows where to find the great majority of birds and the places where they usually feed.Carlos worked in fishing arts, fish farming, bivalve harvesting and continues to work in the collection of polychaetes.
Anabela Cruz

Founder/ Skipper
Anabela Cruz, a shellfisher by profession, is side by side with "the helmsman" and is also the founder of this company. She leads the participants to the boat, in addition to the accompaniment in certain activities. Anabela is also the "Captain" of the traditional "Queda do Sado" boat.She has always been linked to the Sado Estuary. She worked in the saltpans in her youth, in semi-intensive fish farming and for more than 40 years she has pursued with the catching of polychaetes as a profession.
Carlos Miguel

Activities coordinator/ Skipper
Carlos Miguel, an Outdoor Tourism Instructor, is the youngest member of this team.As "son of fish knows how to swim", Carlos Miguel is faithful to his origins. He grew up inside the Sado Estuary Natural Reserve and accompanies the growth of Fauna within it.Birds are his main focus and he is part of the National list of ringers.He is responsible for the activities, being the bird watching guide and organizer of daily programs and accompanies visitors.