MiraSado is born as a maritime tourism company in 2015 in the middle of the Sado Estuary Natural Reserve (RNES), by the hands of Anabela Cruz, Carlos Cruz and Carlos Miguel.
The ambition merges pleasure and work, in which the sharing of knowledge of Birds and Plants and experiences in this fabulous place, makes this project an achieved pleasure.
The main objective of this family business is focused on the main origin of the creation of RNES: the Birds.
In this flow, through Bridwatching activities, the mission is to convey knowledge about the resident and migratory birds existing within this Natural Reserve.
By doing so, MiraSado tries to raise awareness of the visitors towards the importance and conservation of these spaces, not only for the resident birds, but for the birds that arrive here in great numbers in the migratory routes, as well as the balance of the ecosystem.
In addition to the bird watching activities, MiraSado's mission is to show to the visitors the traditional works that have emerged here, such as the fishing arts, saltpans, fish farms, the catching of polychaetes (sea worms), oyster concessions, fauna and flora, among other curiosities.